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Longtime Client Hires Medical Director Thanks to Physician Recruiter’s Ability to See the Big Picture


Director of Recruiting Misha Fabick showcased the unparalleled access to top candidates that a physician recruitment partner provides when she had the perfect Medical Director readily available for a rural Idaho healthcare organization.

Longtime Client Hires Medical Director Thanks to Physician Recruiter’s Ability to See the Big Picture

They say when one door closes, another one opens, and this can be especially true in physician recruitment. It’s always disappointing when an ideal candidate declines an offer; however, we assure clients that we will undoubtedly present another excellent candidate soon. If this occurs on the candidate’s side, our recruiters encourage them to stay positive as they search for other opportunities, knowing the right one won’t pass them by. 

In both situations, it is helpful to have a strategic physician recruiter on your side who can look to her network and quickly source another candidate or present another job opportunity. Director of Recruitment for the Western Division Misha Fabick certainly matches this description, and her recent success in placing an Emergency Medicine physician in Idaho demonstrates the impact of her talent for seeing the big picture. 

A Strong Candidate Without an Offer

When one of Misha’s clients in Colorado decided to hire internally for their Emergency Medicine role, Misha assured the candidate she’d been working with, Dr. L, that another opportunity would surface. Dr. L had been out of training for a short time and was practicing at a small community hospital in the DC area while her partner finished school. She and her partner hoped to move out West after graduation, so Misha filed away what she had learned about Dr. L and hoped another promising position would arise in her region.

An Employer Turns to Its Physician Recruitment Partner

A few weeks later, one of Misha’s longstanding clients in Idaho opened a search for an Emergency Medicine physician with an Assistant Medical Directorship attached. Misha was no stranger to rural recruitment. Knowing that 90% of physicians are open to a well-aligned rural opportunity, she was confident the candidate for the scenic location was within arms reach. 

Misha interviewed the stakeholders to learn the details of the position and gain a sense of who they envisioned in the role. In addition to Emergency Medicine experience, the right candidate would be comfortable with some administrative duties, primarily establishing and managing protocols for transporting patients to and from the critical access hospital. 

Connecting the Dots

Misha remembered Dr. L was once an EMT and managed transport while in training. Though she did not have administrative experience, her direct involvement with medical transport would give her the expertise needed for the role. Misha contacted her to tell her about the position and ask if she would consider an opportunity in rural Idaho.

Dr. L was excited to hear about the job and its location. It just so happened that she had grown up in Idaho and was familiar with the area, its natural beauty, and outdoor recreation. It would be the perfect setting for her active lifestyle. The opportunity details also intrigued her and sounded like a good fit, so she was eager to be presented for the job.

A Perfect Pairing

After hearing of the potential match, the group quickly called Dr. L and invited her for an interview. After years of working with Misha, they had fine-tuned the on-site physician interview experience, making a great impression on the candidate. Dr. L was equally remarkable; everyone agreed she would be an excellent fit for the role.

A number of elements play into the completion of any physician search. In this instance, the critical factors were Misha’s ability to vet a candidate thoroughly and then, when necessary, pivot her to a new opportunity. Instead of prematurely considering a search unsuccessful, she recognized a candidate who applied for one position might be an excellent fit for another, perhaps even in a different state. Dedicated physician recruitment partners like Misha can quickly make those connections and see opportunities for success by considering the bigger picture from the start.

Additionally, the client’s ability to act quickly and be flexible in their desire for administrative experience was essential to bringing the search to a successful conclusion. In the physician recruitment process, distinguishing between must-haves and nice-to-haves in a candidate profile can ultimately lead to hiring the best match overall. 

If your organization is searching for a physician, the recruitment team at Jackson Physician Search has both the national reach and regional expertise you need to find and connect with the most qualified candidates from all over the country. Reach out today to learn more.

Key Takeaways

  • A dedicated physician recruitment partner has unparalleled access to top-tier candidates.
  • The client’s willingness to act quickly and be open to candidates with relevant skills, even if they lacked specific administrative experience, contributed to the success of the search.

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