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Back from Burnout: Confronting the Post-Pandemic Physician Turnover Crisis 2022 Survey Results

New research from Jackson Physician Search and MGMA confirms that physician burnout and turnover rates remain dangerously high.

The new report, Back from Burnout: Confronting the Post-Pandemic Physician Turnover Crisis, reflects data from hundreds of administrators and physicians across the country who took part in the 2022 Physician Burnout, Engagement, and Retention Survey.

Recent MGMA polling found that four in 10 medical practices (40%) had a physician resign or retire early in the past year due to burnout. The survey sought these industry leaders’ unique views on physician issues following the pandemic and staffing crisis in healthcare, and to understand how medical groups can improve physician recruitment, engagement, and retention efforts by identifying root causes of burnout and steps to mitigate it.

Please complete the form to download the survey.

Key Findings

  • Nearly two-thirds of physicians (65%) report they are experiencing burnout in 2022, up four percentage points from the 2021 study.
  • Of those experiencing burnout, more than one in three physicians (35%) said their levels of burnout significantly increased in 2022.
  • Administrators acknowledge worsening levels of burnout in physicians, but physicians often don’t perceive enough is being done to mitigate that burnout or engage them.
  • Administrators vary their approaches to retention and engagement, often with informal efforts rather than structured, strategic programs.
  • Perhaps most telling is that 51% of physicians have considered leaving their current employer for another, up from 46% last year.